Trans Hajar 2013 - Day 3, 01.02.2013
Al Saleel - Arqi Loop - Wadi Quryat - Arqi Loop - Al Saleel
Longest stage - 128 km
Even if I am still gutted that I did not ride it myself, I think my photos will contribute more to the good of the race than if I was
one of the riders tortured and chewed by beautifull but rough Omani scenery then spat battered to finish line. Even if there were more
photographers who opted to pick one or two spots only and most probably their pics are better that mine, I went around and tried to take snaps
from various interesting spots and in same time keep with leaders and take photo (and video!) as they are crossing finish line - impossible.
Hopefully it will provide good evidence what was Trans Hajar about.
Selection of 80 pics from approx. 440. Enjoy.
Race village is waking up, the riders preparing their drinks
Suleiman - one of only two Omani riders - is checking his position
Lake (organizer) leads Day 3 briefing
Riders facing the longest day - 128 km - look worried
Hannele Steyn of South Africa - she took TH as preparation for Cape Epic
and she will be first woman who completed all 10 Cape Epics
She kept 1st position in Women category from TT and rode with strongest men
On start line
Lake with his new toy - Fat bike - will lead the pack
thru Neutral zone on black top
Ian checking the presence of the riders
Neutral zone on black top - first 2 km - No overtaking!
Fat bike on the front
Rich on quad as sweeper
On graded road fast men took off led by local rider James Powers (69 - his favourite position, ehm, number) - favourites line up
2nd batch of riders led by Kati Csak (ZA) - woman on 2nd position in Ladies category
Kati is organizer of Cape Epic and apparently also good rider
Riders disappeared in the cloud of dust
30 km into the race - on the front was formed group of 3 strong riders -
Dave Shennan (GB) of Dubai (42) is leading swiss Thomas Kammerman (2nd overall) and Rob Barel (NL, former World Chamipion in Triathlon - 1st overal)
Group of pursuers 1 and a half minutes behind
(30) Marcel Farres and local riders (69) James Powers (GB) and (31) Chris Reijmer (NL)
Chris eventually finished in 3rd position overall
Short downhill
Short downhill
Suli on the track
One of female riders on the track
Nutrition is important, but you should peel it first, mate
Simon Elliot (GB) - local rider - even if in the back of the field still in the good mood showing V for Victory
Youcef - 3rd position in GC - suffered with flat tires and in the moment is loosing almost 13 minutes on leaders
Bridge on Muscat - Quryat highway in the background
Hannele (ZA) - best in Ladies - also had flat and was riding in the back of the pack but with strong performace caught up with front of the race
Ray is manning turning point below the highway bridge to Arqi loop
One of many treacherous climbs on Arqi loop
Hannele is pushing hard and in progress overtaking lot of slower riders
Gritted teeth on Arqi loop climbs
Leaders on the fast part of Arqi loop
Next 3 riders now with gap approx. 3 minutes
Watering station near Arqi village manned by Margaret and Bob Tunbridge
Watering station
Hannele (1st Lady) and Youcef (that time 3rd in Man category) temporarily teamed up near Arqi
Riders passing Moqsue in the village
Into Wadi Quryat
Splashes in the pools of Wadi Quryat were great photo oportunity
Rider - (13) Edmond Menzies - creating nice wave
Into Wadi Quryat
Enjoying the pool
This is the right technique
Splashes in Wadi Quryat
Splashes in Wadi Quryat
Smile for photographer
Wadi Quryat
Different riders - different techniques
Another splash
Simon is still ploughing thru soft gravel before entering the valley
Water station in Quryat
Group of pursuers on highway section
Old switchbacks road near Quryat - steep climb forced riders to dig deep into their bags
Old switchbacks road near Quryat
I don't think there will be problem with speed limit
Old switchbacks road near Quryat
Another group of riders approaching the hill
Another group of riders approaching the hill
Willy fighting it off the seat
You can read it from the faces of riders how they are enjoying the climb
Sweat in the eyes
Ladies has all the time nice smile for photograper
2nd and 3rd in Ladies category (27) Kati Csak (ZA) and (22) Julie Elder (UK)
...and see the face of the spanish guy in orange ;) next day he had unfortunate accident not even 3 km into the ride, broke his collar bone and endded in Hospital
Long way to Mutrah
One of the pleasant bits - downhill from Quryat hill
These boys have enough, suffering by heat and dehydration - while leaders were already back in Arqi loop,
they did not even reach Wadi Quryat and for own safety were stopped by organizers
Frans's golden tank now int the role of broomwagon
Organizer Dave Beniston is directing riders to Arqi loop
Youcef Cummings - after 3 flat tires and huge time loss (13 mins on 30km mark) now riding on 4th position
Start of single track section, 6 km to Finish. Dust behind his rear wheel shows that these strong guys are seriously fast
James Powers in Rock Garden
All that stones in Rock Garden were trying to kick the riders off the balance
On single track section
On single track section
On single track section
Slick rock - riders were passing it over the race on different stages 3 times
Race village after race - lucky faster riders enjoying the shade while slower ones are still out there
Frans the mechanic had busy few days on Trans Hajar
Trans Hajar 2013 - Day 3 - Photo
Another customer for Frans's Oman Bicycle shop
Frans and Lucky on Trans Hajar
Long day
Sometimes bike bites back